Music (Minor)
In collaboration with VanderCook College of Music, Illinois Tech offers a Minor in Music. This minor consists of 15 semester hours in music, including a minimum of 6 credit hours of classroom-based history or theory courses and a maximum of 9 credit hours of performance coursework.
Program Overview
In collaboration with VanderCook College of Music, Illinois Tech offers a Minor in Music. This minor consists of 15 semester hours in music, including a minimum of 6 credit hours of classroom-based history or theory courses and a maximum of 9 credit hours of performance coursework.
Career Opportunities
An advanced education opens up a variety of career opportunities.
Students should contact the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs regarding applicability of courses toward a degree program.
Admission to VanderCook College of Music courses is on a space-available basis, and students may be asked to audition or to satisfy other requirements prior to acceptance. Approval by Student Accounting is also required since there is a fee for taking a course at VanderCook.