Illinois Tech—home of the country’s first industrial nuclear reactor and the nation’s first functional microgrid—is known for advanced research that is moving the needle toward significant innovation.
More in Research
A fertile imagination may be the spark that ignites the creative research genius, but a nurturing and opportunity-filled environment is the kindling that sets the spark ablaze. From its founding in 1890, Illinois Institute of Technology has been inspiring student and faculty researchers to see beyond the visible, to push the boundaries of what is possible, and to stretch the powers of the imagination.
With research in topics ranging from robotics to genomics and from big data to urban sustainability, Illinois Tech is investigating tomorrow's grand challenges through a tech lens. A rich array of projects in the field and the lab, robust mentorship, and access to world-class facilities support our Illinois Tech research community—and enable the next generation of researchers to explore their own bold ideas.
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Office of Research
All Aboard: Illinois Tech Welcomes Students to Campus
Illinois Tech welcomed first-year students to Mies Campus on August 12, 2024. Throughout the week, the new students took part in events across campus to get acclimated to their new home, to meet their...

Transmitting Safety: Taking on the Cybersecurity Threats to Transportation
Frank Gunsaulus Faculty Fellow in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Boris Pervan: In positioning navigation and timing, any type of surface vehicles—ships, cars, trucks, trains, transportation...

New Rowe Fellow Explores Architectural Influence of Marginalized Communities
A researcher of Afro-Indigenous communities in the southern United States and Caribbean has joined Illinois Institute of Technology’s College of Architecture this fall as a Jeanne and John Rowe Fellow...

Illinois Tech Research Magazine
This annual flagship publication from the Office of Research showcases the work of researchers who strive to understand the inexplicable, to improve and innovate processes, and to put discovery into practical applications for the betterment of our global society.
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Featured Projects
At Illinois Tech, extraordinary research on our campus and beyond reflects our commitment to scientific, technological, and professional knowledge creation and innovation.
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University Research Initiatives
Three university-wide, innovation-driven research initiatives leverage the expertise of faculty and students from various disciplines: Computation and Data, Health and Wellness, and Urban Futures.
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Student Projects and Opportunities
Illinois Tech undergraduate and graduate students are conducting research that aims to make the world a better place through science and technology. Students access research opportunities that include international collaborations, cutting-edge lab work, a summer immersion program, stipends to work alongside faculty, research symposia, and more.
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Connect with Illinois Tech for Research
Illinois Tech connects academic and industry partners with our faculty and students, facilitating a wide range of research. University resources that enable such connections include the Office of Sponsored Research, the Office of Tech Transfer and Intellectual Property, and a corporate relations staff who can assist in identifying research partners, among others.
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Illinois Tech and Argonne National Laboratory Joint Appointment Program
The goal of Illinois Tech’s joint appointment program with Argonne National Laboratory is to allow nonfunded collaborations that can eventually lead to funded joint appointments via awarded proposals or projects.
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