Analyzing Online Reviews in E-tailer Platforms: Role of Platform, Reviewer, and Review Characteristics on Overall Product Star Ratings and Purchase Intentions

Stuart School of Business research presentation by: Harold L. Stuart Endowed Chair in Business Siva K. Balasubramanian and Zheng Zhou




Room 490, Conviser Law Center, 565 West Adams Street

Analyzing Online Reviews in E-tailer Platforms: Role of Platform, Reviewer, and Review Characteristics on Overall Product Star Ratings and Purchase Intentions

  • Harold L. Stuart Endowed Chair in Business Siva K. Balasubramanian
  • Zheng Zhou (Ph.D. Management Science ’20), Assistant Professor of Business Analytics, Lewis University


Using data from a large 2023 survey of United States adults, we propose and test a structural model to understand the role of platform, reviewer, and review characteristics on product star ratings and purchase intentions. Results reflect strong empirical support for the proposed structural model. Reviewer characteristics influence these outcomes more strongly than the other characteristics. Multiple group analyses indicate that the influence of review characteristics on overall product rating is much stronger for high spenders when compared to low spenders, and for females when compared to males. Furthermore, the influence of platform characteristics on overall product rating is greater for low spenders when compared to high spenders. Finally, our results suggest that reviewer independence serves as moderators of the effect of reviewer perceptions on overall product ratings such that the effect increases as independence increases. Similarly, review comprehensiveness serves as a moderator of the effect of review perceptions on overall product ratings such that the effect increases as comprehensiveness increases.


All Illinois Tech faculty, students, and staff are invited to attend.

The Friday Research Presentations series showcases ongoing academic research projects conducted by Stuart School of Business faculty and students, as well as guest presentations by Stuart alumni, Illinois Tech colleagues, business professionals, and faculty from other leading business schools.

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