Simulating Dense Suspensions of Soft Particulate Flows




LS 152


Shravan Veerpaneni
Department of Mathematics;University of Michigan


Direct numerical simulations of vesicles, bubbles, and other soft-particle suspensions in arbitrary confined geometries is extremely challenging owing to the near-singular interaction forces, nonlinear interfacial forces and nonlocal hydrodynamics. In this talk, we will present some recent advances in computational algorithms for simulating such systems. Integral equation formulations for confined flows and mixtures of soft and rigid particles will be discussed. A new fast algorithm for accelerating the singular integral evaluations on the interfaces will be presented. Integrating semi-implicit time stepping schemes with reparameterization and anti-aliasing techniques enables us to overcome numerical instabilities. We will review some of these computational components, which are essential for simulating large number of particles in dense flows.
