Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Simulation of Viscoelastic Flows with the Slip-Link Model
Department of Applied Mathematics
Hualong Feng
Visiting Assistant Professor;IIT
We demonstrate the ability to simulate complex flows of entangled polymers using a high-fidelity slip-link model. The macroscopic transport equations are solved using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH), while the stresses are calculated using stochastic simulation of an ensemble of polymer chains in each SPH particle. The code is tested using the method of manufactured solutions, analytic asymptotic results, as well as calculations made by other means. Finally, we simulate journal-bearing flow of a moderately entangled polymer, and demonstrate the difference between the slip-link model and some continuum models for the polymeric stresses.
Event Topic
Stochastic & Multiscale Modeling and Computation