Stochastic & Multiscale Modeling and Computation Seminar by Jiehuan Sun: Learning Healthcare Delivery Network with Longitudinal Electronic Health Records Data




Online seminar


Learning Healthcare Delivery Network with Longitudinal Electronic Health Records Data.


Jiehuan Sun, Assistant professor, University of Illinois Chicago.


Knowledge networks such as the healthcare delivery network (HDN), describing relationships among different medical encounters, are useful summaries of the state-of-art medical knowledge. The increasing availability of longitudinal electronic health records (EHR) data promises a rich data source for learning HDN. Most existing methods for inferring about knowledge network are based on co-occurrence patterns that do not account for temporal effects or patient level heterogeneity. Building upon multivariate Hawkes process (mvHP), we propose a flexible covariate adjusted random effects (CARE) mvHP modeling strategy for HDN construction. In this talk, I will discuss our proposed model and its application to an EHR study of type 2 diabetes patients.


Stochastic & Multiscale Modeling and Computation Seminar


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