Who We are, What We Do - Part III
Are you curious about the cutting-edge research conducted at the computer science department? Are you interested in working with the computer science faculty? Find out what we are doing by coming to the "Who We Are and What We Do" talks. Each session will host several short talks, where we give a bird eye view of our research. The topics include:
- Research on Time-Critical Systems
- Data-Intensive Computing at the Intersection of Cloud Computing and Supercomputing
- Interactive Machine Learning
- Peter Greene - Natural "Artificial Intelligence" Via Body-Based Abstractions
- Gruia Calinescu - Wireless Relay Placement for Two-connectivity
- Databases Research - Provenance, Integration, and more hot stuff
- Aron Culotta - Machine Learning for Social Media Analysis
- Zhiling Lan - Toward Smart HPC via Active Learning and Intelligent Scheduling
- Charles Bauer - Computers and Teaching
- Data-Centric System Software Design
- Wireless and Sensor Network Systems
- What if we can add new features without changing code?
- IIT's Spectrum Observatory - Big Data Collection, Analysis and Presentation
- Automatically identifying and analyzing metaphors