International Meeting of CMMSE 2007


IIT's Applied Mathematics Department together with the Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee hosted the Seventh International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE) June 20-23 throughout the first floor of the E1 Building on IIT's main campus. This interdisciplinary conference of scientists, engineers, finance experts, and mathematicians serves as a catalyst for computational mathematics among cutting edge applications in science and engineering.

The focus of CMMSE is on new ideas and interdisciplinary interaction in the rapidly growing fields of computational mathematics, mathematical modeling, and applications.

CMMSE 2007 provided an environment where specialists participated in special sessions offering exposure to diverse fields in or near their individual areas of research. Special sessions investigated advances in financial mathematics and engineering, industrial mathematics, multi-scale modeling and high performance computing in mathematical biology, and algorithms and computation for complex networks as well as other topics.

Papers presented at CMMSE 2007 covered topics such as:

  • Analysis of computational grid environments,
  • Optimal design of robust and efficient complex networks,
  • Undergraduate computational physics education: coming of age?
  • Energy and discrepancy as criteria for designs for numerical computation, and
  • An optimization problem in deregulated electricity markets solved with the non-smooth maximum principle.

For more information visit the conference website which provides more information as well as a downloadable pdf of the conference proceedings.

The Midwest Numerical Analysis Day meeting was held in conjunction with CMMSE 2007 on Saturday, June 23, 2007. For more information, visit:

IIT faculty and students attended this conference for free.