Having worked as a professional chemist since 2011, Adam Floyd (M.S. ACHM ’21) was no stranger to the industry. So how did he go from working at Scott’s Miracle Gro to becoming CEO of his own company...
Trevor Williams (M.S. ACHM ’20) isn’t the type of person who likes to wait when it comes to putting his skills to good use. That’s one of the biggest reasons why he chose Illinois Tech’s Master of...
Right after college, Ruth Lopez-McCarthy (LAW ’09) started Doorknocking. It was the community organizing, block club kind of outreach: pushing for more alley lights, safety patrols, and better garbage...
“I don’t know why I want to act like I have an aversion to nerds, when I’m a nerd myself,” laughs Sydney Hardwick (ITM ’15), speaking not only of her time growing up on Chicago’s South Side, but also...
While growing up, Lexi Detweiler (PHYS, ASPY, M.S. HP ’21) listened to her father spout random tidbits of information from his various STEM-related careers. He’d gone from being an architect to...
As a quantitative analyst at Morningstar, the Chicago-based investment research and management services firm, Yao “Jason” Xie develops mathematical and statistical models to analyze portfolio risks...
Maureen Rakotondraibe joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology through a partnership with École Spéciale de Mécanique et d’Electricité, a...
As a young boy, much to his dismay, John Katsoudas (M.S. PHYS ’03) had a clearly defined role in the family business. It started with wrapping doughnuts. His father, a restaurateur, had a contract to...
Designing security into code is a lot like designing security in a house, Marilyn Barrios (ITM, M.A.S. ITM ’18) says. Each door, window, and any other point of entry must be secured. But these...
Editor's note: this is an updated story from the the Fall 2023 Chicago-Kent Magazine. To read the magazine in full, follow this link . “If we as judges allow chaos to take over our courtrooms, we as a...
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