Vector-Valued Parametric Kernal-Based Interpolation for 2D Facial Animations
Event Topic: Computational Mathematics & Statistics
Event Topic: Computational Mathematics & Statistics
Event Topic: Computational Mathematics & Statistics
Description Vicinal surfaces consist of terraces separated by atomic steps. During step-flow epitaxial growth, adsorbed atoms (from the vapor or a beam) diffuse on the terraces until they attach to...
Description Due to current data collection technology, our ability to gather data has surpassed our ability to analyze it. In particular, k-means, one of the simplest and fastest clustering algorithms...
Speaker Jue Yan Iowa State University Description Discontinuous Galerkin method is a special class of finite element method that use discontinuous piecewise...
Event Topic: Computational Mathematics & Statistics
Description This presentation starts off with a short introduction of the puzzle itself, giving a few words about human-like solutions, and giving a few words about how easy it is to implement those...
Speaker Jacek Jakubowski Warsaw University and Warsaw Institute of Technology, Poland Description I introduce a special class of volatility models, namely linear...
SpeakerHemanshu KaulIIT Description We consider the problem of how to decide which projects to invest in and implement in a transportation network, so as to maximize the...
Event Topic: Computational Mathematics & Statistics