Human Resources

Performance Evaluations

This page provides information about the performance review process relevant for all staff, as well as faculty who supervise staff. Click the links below to navigate to the corresponding sections.

  1. Why Performance Evaluations are Important
  2. Who is Involved in this Process?
  3. The Timeline
  4. Accessing the Performance Evaluation System (Historical Reviews)
  5. Getting Help with this Process
  6. Supervisor Assistance on Conducting Quality Performance Reviews
  7. Enhancements to the Staff Annual Performance Review Process Effective December 2019
  8. Performance Ratings and Definitions
  9. Performance Competencies

1. Why Performance Evaluations are Important

Performance evaluations are critical and valuable for employees and managers. Employees at all levels deserve the opportunity to have an honest discussion about the year, receive feedback and recognition, celebrate successes, reflect on opportunities for improvement, discuss progress toward performance and professional development goals, and clarify expectations as both a manager and employee. Giving and receiving feedback, goal setting, and other related activities in the review process provide continual growth opportunities for managers and employees.

Fundamentally, the review process is about helping others succeed, which helps the organization succeed. The university is committed to supporting an employee base that is confident about what they should do, how well they are doing it, and how it supports the Illinois Tech mission. We want engaged, goal-driven employees who know what is expected of them and feel recognized and supported—this is best for individuals, teams, and the university as a whole.

2. Who is Involved in this Process?


All supervisors (faculty members, staff members, or administrators) will need to complete performance reviews for all existing staff members who started working at Illinois Tech prior to February 28, 2024. 

In instances of informal shared supervisory situations, the “official” supervisor will still be responsible for writing and delivering the review, and others’ feedback can be collected through the Multi-Rater Feedback form.


Individuals are responsible for completing self-reviews, which are an important part of the process. They help your supervisor remember not only all that you accomplished, but how you were prioritizing your time and what results were most meaningful to you.

3. The Timeline

Timeline of FY/PY 2024 (June 1, 2023—May 31, 2024) Annual Performance Review Process

Reviewer downloads paper form from the performance evaluations page. Enter the goals of the reviewee—these are the goals that the manager and direct report previously agreed upon for the performance cycle 6/1/2023–5/31/2024. Reviewer and reviewee together acknowledge the goals are correct.October 4, 2024
Reviewee begins self-review and reviewers are encouraged to begin working on the written review, but should not complete the review until they have had the opportunity to read the self-review.

Reviewer requests feedback from applicable faculty and staff via the Multi-Rater form on the Performance Evaluations page; reviewer is recommended to discuss ideal feedback providers with reviewee in advance.
October 11, 2024

Individuals who were asked to provide multi-rater feedback submit feedback.

Reviewees complete self-reviews and send to reviewer.

October 18, 2024
Reviewers complete written evaluations and submit for second-level approval.November 1, 2024
Second-level approvals provide any feedback to reviewers who then schedule time with reviewees.November 8, 2024
Reviewers share the final review with reviewees and schedule a live performance review discussion to take place no later than November 15, 2024. In this meeting reviewers and reviewees set goals for FY25.November 15, 2024
Human Resources share with vice presidents and deans the Merit Spreadsheets for their respective college/departments who then work with their team leaders and managers to determine appropriate merit recommendations using their allotted pool.November 18, 2024
Reviewees and reviewers sign off on the review and goals, acknowledging receipt of the performance review.

Reviewers email all completed reviews to:
November 22, 2024
Vice presidents and deans finalize their merit recommendations with their respective HR business partner, taking into consideration the finalized rating on the performance review.December 6, 2024
Vice presidents and deans submit their finalized spreadsheet to their respective HR business partner.December 13, 2024
Merit increase processed.January 6, 2025

We will be sending regular reminders throughout the process, but if you have any questions, please reach out to your HR business partner (whose name can be found on this webpage).

4. Accessing the Performance Evaluation System (Historical Reviews)

  1. Simply follow this link: If the link does not work, follow the steps below.
  2. Visit
  3. Authenticate using Access Illinois Tech (Okta) when prompted. 
  4. Click “Tools” in the navigation bar to the left
  5. Type “PeopleAdmin” into the search bar and select “Performance and Hiring (PeopleAdmin)” from the results.
  6. Click the ellipses in the upper left-hand corner and in the dropdown select “Employee Portal.”
  7. You are now in PeopleAdmin’s performance review module, and your access should allow the appropriate views depending on your role as a reviewer and/or a reviewee.

5. Getting Help with this Process

  1. In PeopleAdmin: All information pertaining to prior years’ annual reviews will be housed in the “Performance” section of PeopleAdmin.
  2. Supervisor training: Human Resources will host training sessions for supervisors. If you are a supervisor, you should have received an email with details about this session, information is also available below in  section six.
  3. Human Resources staff: Please see the categories below so that your question can be answered by the person most experienced in that area.

For questions on utilizing the PeopleAdmin system, how to conduct a performance evaluation, or help writing reviews, please reach out to your designated HR representative.

6. Supervisor Assistance on Conducting Quality Performance Reviews

Supervisors are encouraged to speak with their HR representative on how to have meaningful conversations with their direct reports. HR representatives can assist managers in determining ratings, evaluation language, having difficult conversations, and determining compensation.

Additionally, if you plan on providing performance improvement feedback, please connect with your HR representative to align on the communication.

7. Enhancements to the Staff Annual Performance Review Process Effective December 2019

Enhancements to the staff performance review process were announced in December 2019. Several information sessions were offered to staff in January and February 2020. There is also a link to the slides which include links to other information regarding the performance review process.

8. Performance Ratings and Definitions

5 = Distinguished PerformanceRare, highest performance; performs well above and beyond expectations of immediate role and immediate team at all times. Proactively contributes to organization’s strategic initiatives by adding significant value well beyond job requirements. Proactively participates in and supports efforts to be collaborative across the organization. Deliberately and consistently strives to identify actions that will support the university’s strategic initiatives and provides unique, innovative, streamlined, and successful solutions consistently. Recognized as a role model and subject matter expert by all in performing work and demonstrating a positive attitude, developing new content and strategies, executing on deliverables, and building and sustaining highly effective relationships with colleagues. Frequently sought out by others to resolve complex issues.
4 = Excellent PerformancePerforms above and beyond expectations of immediate role a significant amount of the time. Deliverables are error free and support the university’s strategic initiatives. Frequently identifies actions that will support the university’s strategic initiatives and provides solid solutions to support these endeavors. Recognized as a role model or subject matter expert by immediate team and beyond in the execution of deliverables and demonstrating a positive attitude. Deliberately builds relationships to work more collaboratively within and beyond the department.
3 = Strong PerformanceIndependently performs all aspects of the role. Deliverables meet requirements of the role. Performs beyond requirements of the role at times. Deliverables are timely, accurate, and well thought out. Requires little direction. Builds and sustains positive relationships with colleagues, contributes to a positive team environment.
2 = Building Performance

Learning functions of role (may be applicable for new hires and newly promoted)


Competently performs in a satisfactory manner part of the time, but requires significant and/or on-going coaching and direction in one or more areas. Deliverables are timely and accurate part of the time, but not all of the time. Would benefit from building more positive relationships or building new relationships with colleagues in order to be more effective.

1 = Low PerformanceStruggles to perform most requirements of the role or struggles to perform one (or a few) very significant requirements of the role. Performance is lacking in quality and/or timeliness. Has required re-training.  Performance regularly negatively impacts the effectiveness of team members, supervisor, and/or colleagues beyond immediate team.

9. Performance Competencies

  1. Collaboration and Teamwork—Works cooperatively and inclusively with others and drives the team’s overall success; assumes positive intent and engages with others in a professional, respectful, and productive manner. Encourages and supports others to accomplish shared goals.  Provides honest and constructive feedback to others in a respectful manner.
  2. Communication—Communicates clearly and respectfully with others verbally and in writing, utilizing effective interpersonal skills, taking care to use language that supports and encourages collaboration. Practices active listening skills, seeks to understand others’ points of view first, and chooses appropriate communication methods.
  3. Innovation and Change—Seeks innovative solutions and drives new ideas and solutions to continuously improve upon and meet the goals of the department and university. Demonstrates flexibility as priorities shift with the changing needs of the university. Embraces change and proactively practices a growth mindset.
  4. Ownership—Plans, organizes, and prioritizes to manage self and resources to bring about the successful completion of tasks and goals. Fully leverages technical resources and builds own technical abilities in the execution of work. Avoids duplication of work. Takes responsibility for accuracy and thoroughness and takes initiative to solve problems.
  5. Service-Focused—Prioritizes and anticipates internal and external client needs (“clients” defined as faculty and staff colleagues, students, and community members with whom one is supporting and/or collaborating). Engages and builds partnerships with all clients in a positive and solution-oriented manner. Understands and embraces the concept that internal clients include our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members.
  6. Strategic Direction—Displays integrity in actions by driving the agenda of the university versus own agenda. Contributes to a positive and collaborative culture for all. Actively supports and contributes to the university’s strategic plan and strategic financial initiatives.
  7. Supervision of Others (if applicable)—Assumes responsibility for outcomes while recognizing others’ accomplishments. Expresses appreciation and gratitude while encouraging team members in their efforts. Mentors team members. Assumes positive intent. Encourages creativity and innovation. Manages budget effectively (if applicable). Develops highly effective team members that support and contribute to a collaborative environment. Provides feedback to team members on a regular basis and delivers annual performance review in a timely and thorough fashion. Role models competencies.