Chicago, IL — May 24, 2004 — The Renewable Energy Program at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) will play a key role in helping develop the state of Illinois’ first hydrogen fueling station...
Chicago, IL — May 24, 2004 — The Renewable Energy Program at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) will play a key role in helping develop the state of Illinois’ first hydrogen fueling station...
Chicago, IL — June 7, 2004 — Michael Gorham, director of market oversight at the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in Washington D.C., has been named director of the Center for...
Chicago, IL — June 11, 2004 — New drugs for cancer treatment and improved options for cancer prevention could be the result of $28 million in new National Cancer Institute (NCI) research funding...
Chicago, IL — July 23, 2004 — What better way to spend your summer vacation than in Chicago as part of a unique, international partnership? For a group of Taiwanese junior high students, that means...
Chicago, IL — August 2, 2004 — Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) is now featured in Colleges of Distinction, a new college guide profiling some of America’s best bets in higher education. Based...
Chicago, IL — August 24, 2004 — Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) today received $5 million in state funding for the continued development of a state-of-the-art biomedical business incubator and...
Chicago, IL — September 1, 2004 — Dr. Melvin Bernstein, director of university programs, science and technology directorate at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), returns to Chicago and...
Chicago, IL — October 1, 2004 — Teachers need mentors, too. And as the need for stronger mathematics and science skills soars to the forefront of educational reform, the Department of Mathematics and...
Chicago, IL — October 11, 2004 — Chicago entrepreneur and philanthropist Jules F. Knapp has donated $1 million to Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to create a dynamic new center for technology...
Chicago, IL — October 27, 2004 — Prospective architecture students have a rare opportunity next month to learn more about the graduate degree programs at the College of Architecture at Illinois...