Lynda Gibson is wasting no time following her summer 2020 graduation from Illinois Tech. The clinical psychology Ph.D. graduate has started a postdoctoral fellowship in clinical child psychology at...
Kanishga Balamurrugarajan always pictured herself attending college in a big city to take advantage of the diverse career opportunities. She was particularly drawn to Illinois Institute of Technology...
Sometimes an unconventional path is just the right fit. Such was the case for Ursula Hersh, who took two years off between high school and college to work full-time. Hersh had heard about Illinois...
Since graduating with a degree in social and economic development policy, Brian Gomez has become finance and operations manager of Sunrise Movement, a nonprofit organization mobilizing young activists...
During Iva Veseli’s first year at Illinois Tech, her adviser pointed her toward Jean-François Pombert’s lab, where she conducted research in computational biology for three years. Her research...
Working with Distinguished Professor of Psychology Patrick Corrigan, Maya Al-Khouja created the Honest Open Proud (HOP) college program as a student at Illinois Tech. HOP is a peer-led program that...
Alex Damarjian has spent his professional career working on games benefitting young children, but he had an urge to do more. So he developed a low-cost, cutting-edge testing tool for pediatric...
The Mumbai, India, charity that Robin Chaurasiya founded, Kranti, empowers young women to become agents of social change. Ranging in age from 12–22, the women at Kranti are survivors of human...
Michael DeAnda is serious about games. The 2019 alumnus of the Ph.D. program in technology and humanities now works as a professional lecturer on game development at DePaul University’s School of...
Clinical psychology Ph.D. student Arryn Guy has found outlets for making an impact as a research assistant in the Du Bois Health Behavior Lab. “I conduct research on the cognitive and emotional...
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