Computer Science Chair Xian-He Sun Elected IEEE Fellow
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has elected IIT Department of Computer Science Chair Xian-He Sun to its class of 2011 Fellows for contributions to memory-bounded...
The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has elected IIT Department of Computer Science Chair Xian-He Sun to its class of 2011 Fellows for contributions to memory-bounded...
A team of three IIT students placed third overall in the 2011 Mid-Central Regional ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC) held on Saturday, November 5, qualifying them to compete...
Igor Cialenco, assistant professor of applied mathematics, was honored with the 2011 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research/Scholarship at a banquet held last fall. Cialenco won for his...
Industrial Technology and Management is pleased to announce the 2011-12 award of the Irving M. Footlik Scholarship to Anthony DiValerio, a transfer student from Oakton Community College who began his...
Four students from Industrial Technology and Management (INTM) competed in the Third Annual Chicago Case Competition hosted by The Association for Operations Management (APICS) on October 18, 2011 and...
Carlo Segre has been named Duchossois Leadership Professor, a new three-year, $2 million chaired professorship. The chair honors faculty who are exemplary in scholarship, education, and service. Segre...
INTM faculty will facilitate 8 IPROs (Interprofessional Projects). The projects include: IPRO 304 Integration of Process Improvements (Will Maurer with Sheldon Mostovoy/MMAE) IPRO 306 Improving a...
On July 13, 2011, WGN featured a story about New Chicago Brewing Company, a new tenant located in “The Plant,” a former meatpacking building in the Back of the Yards neighborhood which has been...
On Friday, April 29th, INTM held its 16th Annual Industrial Awards Dinner at the Chicago Hilton Hotel. It was a wonderful night and the event drew 260 people -- one of our largest dinners to date...
Omid Ahmadi, Ph.D. candidate in physics, Liam Coffey, associate professor of physics, and John Zasadzinski, professor of physics, will publish an article in the top journal Physical Review Letters,...